LRGB Deep Sky Astrophotography Processing Tutorial: Siril and Photoshop with Telescope Live Data

Telescope Live LRGB Deep Sky Processing Tutorial with Siril & Adobe Photoshop

No telescope? No problem. In this 50-minute tutorial I walk through a complete astrophotography processing of Rho Ophiuchi data from Telescope Live’s One-Click Observations. I talk about the basics of using Telescope Live to schedule basic remote telescope observations with their robotic telescopes and then I jump into processing the raw FITS files from Telescope Live in the free and open-source astrophotography processing program Siril before bringing the Luminance and RGB images into Adobe Photoshop for final edits.

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Live Stream: Large Format Astrophotography Panorama Editing

Lonely Speck Live Stream Large Format Astrophotography Panoramas

In this 1.5 hour live stream session, I walk though two edits of a large format astrophotography panorama shot from Trona Pinnacles California. This recording was buried in the archives and forgotten about for a year before I found it again. I thought the content in here was too valuable to not share so here it is finally for those who missed the live stream.

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