How to install Presets to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic and Adobe Lightroom CC in 2024 and FAQs

2024 Guide for Installing Lightroom Presets – .zip (Windows or Mac)

  1. Download the preset archive file to your desktop or downloads folder (.zip file). (You can try some or our free presets here. No need to open this archive file after downloading as we will import the entire archive directly to Lightroom
  2. Launch Lightroom Classic or Lightroom CC on your Windows or Mac desktop.  
  3. Use the import dialog in Lightroom Classic or Lightroom CC for desktop
    • From the menu bar, choose File > Import Develop Profiles & Presets…  -or- Import Profiles & Presets…
  4. In the Import dialog that appears, browse to the required path of your downloaded .zip file and select the downloaded .zip file
  5. Click the “Import” button.
  6. That’s it! Now all the presets can be used. 
  7. When using Lightroom CC for Mobile, just make sure that your Lightroom CC mobile app and Lightroom CC desktop app are up to date and any imported presets from the desktop version will automatically become available on mobile via the Creative Cloud service.

Watch this quick video to learn how to import and use presets in Adobe Lightroom:

Why are AI masking presets not working in the Adobe Lightroom Mobile App?

This is a known issue with AI powered masks in the Adobe Lightroom Mobile App. In order to use AI powered mask presets, you need to:

  1. Select and apply the desired preset.
  2. Enter the masking tool and select any masks marked with an exclamation point ( ! ) ⚠️ and any sub-mask with an exclamation point ( ! ) ⚠️.
  3. Then you will see a message that says “‘Mask’ needs to be recomputed”. Click” “Update.” The mask will then take a moment to update and will apply the previously selected preset. Now any preset that uses that mask for that image will be able to be applied without issue.

    Watch the short video below to see this process:

There is a thread about this issue here. We hope that Adobe fixes it. Please upvote the thread to keep this issue on Adobe’s radar.

What’s the best way to use the Revelion preset pack?

Watch the short video below for a complete walkthrough of how to use our Revelion preset pack for fast edits in just 3 clicks.

If you’re still having any issues, please contact us directly for help at [email protected]