In this review, we put the new full-frame Rokinon 20mm f/1.8 to the test in Joshua Tree National Park, California.
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Critical Focus at Night with the SharpStar2
In this short video, travel with Lonely Speck to Alabama Hills, California to demo the SharpStar2 in the field to achieve perfect critical focus on the stars.
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Astrophotography on Location: New Zealand
While much of our three weeks in New Zealand was met with rain and clouds, we found a bit of luck when we arrived at Lake Tekapo. Situated in the largest dark sky reserve in the world, Lake Tekapo is one of the world’s premier places to view and photograph the night sky. Join me on a night out shooting astrophotography in New Zealand with my first ever “Astrophotography on Location” vlog.
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Photographing the Milky Way from an Airplane
In this video tutorial, I walk through my method of capturing and processing a photograph of the Milky Way from the window of an airplane.
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Milky Way Exposure Stacking with Manual Alignment in Adobe Photoshop
In this video tutorial I walk through a technique for reducing noise and improving image quality by combining multiple astrophotography exposures. I also demonstrate what to do when auto-alignment tools, like Photoshop’s Auto-Align Layers function, fail to properly align your images.
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How to Process Milky Way Astrophotography in Adobe Lightroom
In this tutorial, I step through the basic RAW Lightroom post processing method that I use on most of my astrophotography.
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Tutorial: Motion Timelapse of the Milky Way with the Dynamic Perception Stage One and Stage R
This video tutorial will take you through the entire process of shooting a professional motion timelapse of the Milky Way, from planning to settings, shooting, processing in Lightroom and compiling in After Effects.