Film Speck Pro: Premium Lightroom Presets for Astrophotography by Lonely Speck

We’re thrilled to introduce Film Speck Pro: Lonely Speck’s new premium set of astrophotography presets for Adobe Lightroom! These editing filters and tools encompass the full spectrum of visual styles we personally love to use for astrophotography.

Film Speck Pro features 17 core visual styles, with over 130 unique sub-presets and adjustments designed specifically for fine-tuning your astrophotography image editing.

View our gallery of astrophotography styles available in Film Speck Pro and download the presets below.

The Styles

There are 17 specific visual styles that Film Speck Pro is built around. Each is highly unique and has been named after places we (Ian and Diana) hold special — all excellent locations for astrophotography. Each preset has been tuned with sub-variations that allow the style to be used universally for astrophotography and daytime photography alike.

Check out a one-minute preview of every complete preset included in Film Speck Pro:

We’ve been developing, using and fine-tuning these presets for over two years, and like all Lonely Speck products, we’ve made them available with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We hope you’ll enjoy our premium set of Lightroom presets as much as we do.

Clear Skies,

Ian Norman & Diana Southern

Hover over the images below to see the original unedited photo.


Acadia is a style with subdued saturation and metallic highlights. Greens and oranges are washed away while subtle red, blue and violet tones remain for a cool and contrasty look.


Adirondacks is a high contrast, high dynamic range style available in understated and saturated variants. Shadows are painted with a subtle blue while rolled-off highlights glow amber.


Badwater is a soft-toned style with an emerald twist. A raised black-point and crushed green shadows along with pushed saffron hues make for a mysterious and filmic look.

Black Rock

Black Rock is a pure black and white, contrasty style with a red-filtered look. Rolled-off highlights and varied levels of milky blacks make for a very print-like monochrome style.


Carrizo is a style reminiscent of classic slide film. Daytime skies are washed with a mild teal while at night they have a deeper emerald tone. Greens are dark and subdued and reds take on a crimson appearance. Carrizo comes in low saturation, understated variants as well as a punchier vibrant version.


Chugach is a low contrast print-like preset with mild amber highlights and a cool lavender undertone. An inverted tone curve makes for our flattest style of the Film Speck Pro pack.


Escalante is characterized by contrasty tyrian purple shadow tones and elevated, golden highlights. Subtly lifted blacks smooth out shadows for a powerful, dramatic style.

Great Sand Dunes

Great Sand Dunes is a color shift style that pulls amber hues of light pollution into a richer, lightly saturated orange. It’s one of our favorite styles to use on astrophotography that is awash with light pollution. This style comes in both subdued and vibrant variants that work on either high contrast or flat imaging situations.


Presets are the best way to quickly nail down a primary visual style for a series of photographs, and these presets have become the first reference we use when editing the astrophotography you see here on Lonely Speck.


June is a high dynamic range style with natural color tones and amplified contrast. Warm greens and teal moonlit (or sunlit) skies are a staple of this style. We particularly like using June on photographs with a cooler white balance.


Kelso is a contrast-enhanced style characterized by indigo darks and earthen midtones. Subdued yellows and oranges complement neutral, rolled-off highlights.


Mono is, appropriately, a monochrome style that mimics an orange filtered black and white film. Red and oranges are enhanced in brightness while greens are pulled darker. A moderately strong contrast curve rounds out the look with deep, strong shadows.


Navajo is a moderate dynamic range preset with a mild contrast curve balanced with reduced micro-contrast. Shadows are lifted and lightly shifted into the blues while whites are pulled for a smoother tonal look.


Rainier is a cinematic-styled preset with classic teal shadows and orange highlights. Moderate contrast increases are matched with mild lifting of the black-point and a rolled-off and pulled shoulder on the whites. Red hues are flatter and subdued.

Spruce Knob

Spruce Knob is characterized by strong crimson-shifted yellows and oranges plus enhanced blue highlights. One of our stronger and more saturated styles, Spruce Knob is recommended for particularly flat and desaturated base images.


Waterton is all about the blues. Dynamic range is lightly increased and micro-contrast softened while red hues are suppressed and the image is washed with deep aqua tones.

White Sands

White Sands is a high dynamic range style with teal-shifted blues and orange-shifted yellows that enhance color differentiation in the night sky. A vibrant version is also available for particularly flat astrophotos.


Whitney is a moderately high dynamic range style with teal and emerald shadows and a contrast-enhanced tone curve. The white-point is pulled for softer, milkier highlights.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

In total, there are 94 complete preset filters comprising these 17 visual style groups in addition to 44 preset adjustment tools for making early tweaks or final touches to color and detail.

That’s a total of 138 individual presets available exclusively in Film Speck Pro. See the full list of presets below. You can also check out a complete demonstration on how to use Film Speck Pro on an astrophoto below.

We hope you enjoy these presets as much as we do, but if you’re not satisfied with Film Speck Pro for any or no reason at all, let us know and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked.

Thanks so much for your support! Let us know your favorites in the comments below.

Now Included FREE: Urban Dreams Add-On Pack

Urban Dreams is a new add-on included in Film Speck Pro pack. It’s a $10 value added free for all purchasers of the Film Speck Pro pack. Urban Dreams features an alternative process cinematic film style designed specifically for urban nightscape and cityscape photographs.

See more examples of Urban Dreams here.

Purchase Film Speck Pro + Urban Dreams for $99:

Using the Film Speck Pro

Film Speck Pro is compatible with the latest versions of Lightroom 5, 6, CC and Classic CC.

Watch a complete demonstration on the use of Film Speck Pro to edit astrophotography. You can even follow along by downloading a sample RAW file. Check out the demo below:

The core Film Speck Pro presets are made to modify any number of Adobe Lightroom settings, but they won’t touch white balance, exposure, lens corrections, noise reduction or any local adjustments like graduated filters. (The preset adjustment tools will affect white balance and local adjustments as specified in their names.)

What the presets modify:

  • Contrast
  • Highlights
  • Shadows
  • White Clipping
  • Black Clipping
  • Tone Curve
  • Clarity
  • Saturation
  • Vibrance
  • Color Adjustments
  • Split Toning
  • Dehaze
  • Calibration

Here are some tips on using the presets:

  • Before applying a preset, I recommend first adjusting your photo for exposure and white balance per your own taste.
  • Some presets may need tweaking depending on your exposure. If the preset appears too bright or dark, tweak the Exposure slider until it suits your preferences.
  • Presets should be just a starting point for your final processing, tweak those sliders to get the most out of your photos!


We want to make this preset pack one of the best Adobe Lightroom tools available anywhere. If you’re having issues, or want to ask a question, please feel free to contact us.

Installation Instructions

14 Replies to “Film Speck Pro: Premium Lightroom Presets for Astrophotography by Lonely Speck”

  1. I would gladly give you $99 but I don’t use LR. I use Photoshop CC. LR for me feels stripped down. Can these work in PS or are they LR only? I have the Adobe Photography Plan so I could use LR but just not a fan and it complicates my workflow.

  2. Do you have a map of the locations from which each preset gets its name? I know several of them (LOVE spruce knob), but some of them aren’t quite as google-able.

    I’m still getting the pack, regardless, and thanks for making so many great articles and products!

  3. I have a question – Im using lightroom 3 and on a budget. will your preset package function on such a dinosaur of a program. It still works on my Mac (yosemite os)


    1. Can’t really help with the question about the presets, but 120 bucks a year and you can get the latest photoshop and lightroom. break it down and it’s 10 bucks a month. Not too shabby to stay up to date.

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