The 2013 Perseid meteor shower was difficult to capture.
Continue reading “The 2013 Perseids from Vasquez Rocks Park, California”
How to Photograph the Milky Way – Astrophotography Tutorials, Tools, Gear + Inspiration
The 2013 Perseid meteor shower was difficult to capture.
Continue reading “The 2013 Perseids from Vasquez Rocks Park, California”
An unusual method for photographing star trails creates a rain-like effect.
Continue reading “How to Photograph a Defocused Star Trail “Rain Shower””
How I combined two of my favorite things: photography and Star Wars
Continue reading “Photographing Epic Star Wars Lightsaber Battles”
The Aurora isn’t visible in every part of the world, but a similar phenomenon will add some green to your astrophotos.
This is the new Lonely Speck video teaser that will be featured on my future videos.
A recap of the June 2013 astrophotography workshop at Trona Pinnacles National Monument, California
Continue reading “Astrophotography Workshop Recap: Trona Pinnacles, California”
Rounding the bend to Trona Pinnacles is like initiating the entry burn into the atmosphere of an alien planet.
Continue reading “Under the Full Moon in Trona Pinnacles, California”